Browse Documents (109 total)

Chapter 028 manuscript
TI 1.III.3.iii (on Angels).
The third topic (iii) in the third section (3) of the third part (III) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 28: The third section, on the fall of Lucifer to Xib’alb’a with his transgression, a…

Chapter 027 manuscript
TI 1.III.2.iii (on Angels).
The third topic (iii) in the second section (2) of the third part (III) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 27: The second section, on the corruption of a faction of angels and their conversion due…

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Chapter 026 manuscript
TI 1.III.1.iii (on Angels).
The third topic (iii) in the first section (1) of the third part (III) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 26: The [first section on the] third topic, on that called 'angels.'"


Chapter 025 manuscript
TI 1.II.3.ii (on Idolatry).
The second topic (ii) in the third section (3) of the second part (II) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 25: The third section, on consulting and crying out to the 'stone and stick.'"

Chapter 024 manuscript
TI 1.II.2.ii (on the Trinity).
The second topic (ii) in the second section (2) of the second part (II) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 24: The second section, a clarification of the triadic personality of God, the great…

Chapter 023 manuscript
TI 1.II.1.ii (on Divinity).
The second topic (ii) in the first section (1) of the second part (II) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 23: The [first section on the] second topic, this is the name of the Trinity and a…

Chapter 022 manuscript
TI 1.I.22.i (on God's attributes).
The first topic (i) in the twenty-second section (22) of the first part (I) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 22: The twenty-second section, a telling about the 'greenness and yellowness'…

Chapter 021 manuscript
TI 1.I.21.i (on God's attributes).
The first topic (i) in the twenty-first section (21) of the first part (I) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 21: The twenty-first section, a telling about the perfection of God, the great…

Chapter 020 manuscript
TI 1.I.20.i (on God's attributes).
The first topic (i) in the twentieth section (20) of the first part (I) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 20: The twentieth section, a telling about the book of God, the great lord, the…

Chapter 019 manuscript
TI 1.I.19.i (on God's attributes).
The first topic (i) in the nineteenth section (19) of the first part (I) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 19: The nineteenth section, a telling about the generosity of God, the great…