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Chapter 105
TI 1.VII (concluding summary).
The seventh part (VII) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
The seventh part (VII) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
Tags: colophon, conclusion, Old Testament, summary
Chapter 103
TI 1.VI.xxix.b (on Amam and Holofernes).
The second section (b) of the twenty-ninth concept (xxix) of the sixth part (VI) in the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
The second section (b) of the twenty-ninth concept (xxix) of the sixth part (VI) in the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
Tags: Amam, Holofernes, Old Testament
Chapter 102
TI 1.VI.xxix.a (on Esther and Judith).
The first section (a) of the twenty-ninth concept (xxix) of the sixth part (VI) in the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
The first section (a) of the twenty-ninth concept (xxix) of the sixth part (VI) in the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
Tags: Esther, Judith, Old Testament, Prophets
Chapter 101
TI 1.VI.xxviii.k (on the Ten Tribes).
The eleventh section (k) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
The eleventh section (k) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
Tags: Diaspora, Israel, Jews, Old Testament
Chapter 100
TI 1.VI.xxviii.j (on Jerusalem).
The tenth section (j) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
The tenth section (j) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
Tags: Diaspora, Israel, Jerusalem, Jews, Old Testament
Chapter 099
TI 1.VI.xxviii.i (on Isaiah and Jonah).
The ninth section (i) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
The ninth section (i) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
Tags: Isaiah, Jonah, Old Testament, Prophets
Chapter 098
TI 1.VI.xxviii.h (on Job and Tobias).
The eighth section (h) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
The eighth section (h) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
Tags: Job, Old Testament, Prophets, Tobias
Chapter 097
TI 1.VI.xxviii.g (on the Savior).
The seventh section (g) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
The seventh section (g) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
Tags: Old Testament, Prophets, Savior
Chapter 096
TI 1.VI.xxviii.f (on Susana).
The sixth section (f) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
The sixth section (f) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
Tags: Old Testament, Prophets, Susana
Chapter 095
TI 1.VI.xxviii.e (on Daniel).
The fifth section (e) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
The fifth section (e) of the twenty-eighth concept (xxviii) in the sixth part (VI) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
Tags: Daniel, Old Testament, Prophets