Browse Documents (109 total)

Chapter 030 manuscript
TI 1.IV.iv (on Earthly Paradise).
The fourth topic (iv) in the fourth part (IV) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 30: The fourth topic, the telling about the 'earthly paradise,' as it is called, and the arrival of the…

Chapter 031 manuscript
TI 1.V.1.v (on Adam and Eve).
The fifth topic (v) in the first section (1) of the fifth part (V) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 31: The [first section on the] fifth topic, on them called Adam and Eve, the first man and…

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Chapter 032 manuscript
TI 1.V.2.v (on Adam and Eve).
The fifth topic (v) in the second section (2) of the fifth part (V) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 32: The second section, the telling about another good topic, 'soul' is the name of what…

Chapter 033 manuscript
TI 1.V.3.v (on Adam and Eve).
The fifth topic (v) in the third section (2) of the fifth part (V) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 33: The third section, the clarification of the days and existence of the 'soul,' the 'shade…

Chapter 034 manuscript
TI 1.V.4.v (on Adam and Eve).
The fifth topic (v) in the fourth section (4) of the fifth part (V) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 34: The fourth section, the arranging of Adam in the center of 'earthly paradise' with God,…

Chapter 035 manuscript
TI 1.V.5.v (on Adam and Eve).
The fifth topic (v) in the fifth section (5) of the fifth part (V) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 35: The fifth section, Adam and Eve are counseled."

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Chapter 036 manuscript
TI (on Grace).
The sixth topic (vi) in the sixth section (6) of the fifth part (V) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 36: The sixth section, a clarification of the 'grace' given to Adam and Eve; the name of the…

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Chapter 037 manuscript
TI (on Grace).
The sixth topic (vi) in the seventh section (7) of the fifth part (V) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 37: The seventh section, a telling about the people who have not transgressed."


Chapter 038 manuscript
TI (on Grace).
The sixth topic (vi) in the eighth section (8) of the fifth part (V) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 38: The eighth section, the jealousy of the Devil and Xib'alb'a toward people."

Chapter 039 manuscript
TI (on Grace).
The sixth topic (vi) in the ninth section (9) of the fifth part (V) of the first volume (1) of the Theologia Indorum.
"Chapter 39: The ninth section, the precepts and prohibitions for Adan and Eve, our first mother and…